Backpacking Travel: What to Pack & Everything you Need
Welcome, fellow wanderer! If you've caught the travel bug and are itching to set off on a thrilling backpacking adventure, get ready for an unforgettable experience. But before you lace up those hiking boots, there's a crucial task at hand – packing your backpack. As a seasoned backpacker, I know firsthand that the right gear and essentials can make or break your trip. In this blog, we'll dive into the must-haves for your backpacking journey, from gear to gadgets, and share some insider tips to ensure you're prepared for whatever the road has in store. For a general rule of thumb, the lighter you pack, the happier you will be. No matter how long you plan on traveling, whether it is 2 weeks or 6 months, this packing list will help to optimize your journey. So, strap in and get ready to pack like a pro, because your next adventure awaits! Let's get started on the ultimate packing guide for backpackers who are ready to embark on a thrilling journey.
Choosing the perfect backpack is the first step to ensuring a successful and comfortable backpacking adventure. A large travel backpack, somewhere between 45 to 65 liters, will hold a majority of your belongings and will be your biggest travel asset on your journey. You can carry an additional small handbag or backpack if your big bag is full and you still have more things to bring. It is also beneficial to purchase a daypack as well: a lightweight backpack that is easily compacting to take up as little room in your big backpack, while also being able to contain a large volume. These are great for day adventures when you leave the majority of your belongings behind and only need to carry essential daily items, like a water bottle, wallet, sweatshirt, etc. Check out our affordable, waterproof day bag here: Packable Travel Daypack
There are dozens of high quality backpacks that will carry all your belongings to choose from. You should choose the size based on how much you want to bring and how long you plan on traveling. Although these backpacking bags are expensive, they are definitely worth the investment if you plan on traveling frequently and want to have an efficient and comfortable travel experience. There are many high-quality, popular brands that I recommend: Osprey, REI, Granite Gear, and Gregory. When choosing your bag, take a careful look at capacity, water-proof ability, comfort, durability, and weight. Another thing to keep in mind is whether or not the backpack has lock holes in the zippers so that you can always keep your items secure with the purchase of a few locks. Take your time researching before purchasing one of these expensive bags to decide what will be right for you. It's about preference and quality.
The biggest question travelers often have is how many pairs of clothes should you bring? This all depends on the season that you travel in, but keep in mind, it is easy to reuse shorts, pants, and sweatshirts so you’ll want to pack less of those items. It is harder to reuse shirts, underwear, and socks, so you’ll want to pack more of those items. It's also better to pack darker clothes instead of lighter ones because of the high probability of obtaining a stain at some point or another. In regards to washing your clothing, there are laundry services everywhere and it is easy to buy detergent and wash items in the sink. Depending on the time of year, you should pack:
For colder times: 1 winter jacket, 2 sweatshirts, 3 sweatpants, 1 pair of jeans, 7 shirts, 1 pair of shorts, 2 long sleeve shirt, 7 pairs of socks, and 7 pairs of underwear. Gloves, a winter hat, and some cold base layering items would also be a good idea. Layering is the most effective way to travel for backpacking in the winter so you can stay warm and avoid packing too many things.
For warmer times: 1 sweatshirt, 1 rain jacket, 4 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of sweatpants, 8 shirts, 7 pairs of underwear, and 7 pairs of socks.
For mixed temperatures: 2 sweatshirts, 1 winter jacket, 2 sweat pants, 1 pair of jeans, 2 pairs of shorts, 8 shirts, 1 long sleeve, 7 pairs of underwear, and 7 pairs of socks.
In terms of the material of the clothing you bring, it is best to avoid cotton items and pack dry-fit and wool materials. Cotton is harder to hand wash, takes longer to dry, and can be the smelliest material. Dry-fit material cleans easy and dries the quickest. For cold travelers, wool clothing is a must, due to its super insulating ability. You should definitely invest in wool socks regardless of temperature because they will never smell even after multiple uses before washing. These are definitely one of the greatest investments as a traveler.
Packing Cubes:
The most efficient way to pack your clothes is by purchasing packing cubes, which are zippered containers that allow you to organize and separate your belongings. These travel assets allow for increased efficiency when looking through your bag for specific items, and they help to improve the organization and compacting ability within your travel bag. Another packing tip is to fold your items within your packing cubes instead of folding them - this will create even more space to fit more belongings. Check out our high-quality packing cubes here: 6-Piece Travel Packing Cubes.
You should bring 2 pairs of shoes: 1 versatile and durable pair for everyday use and 1 heavy duty pair for hiking or the snow. If you don't plan on getting dirty or hiking, pack a pair of stylish shoes you can wear on nice occasions instead of heavy duty ones. For your everyday pair, leather material is the best because of its long-lasting durability and ability to clean easily. Carrying 2 pairs of shoes around is very easy: 1 pair on your feet and the other tied to your backpack if you don't have room in your bag. Sandals, flip-flops, or crocs are another smart investment for nicer weather and for shower use so that you can avoid catching those nasty fungal infections.
You’ll need travel locks to ensure the security your belongings: some small ones for your backpack zippers and a large one for lockers that you have access to at a majority of hostels. Aside from your clothes and toiletries, I consider locks to be the most important assets to a traveler. The last thing you need is to have your money, credit cards, or passport stolen. Keep your items secure and purchase a few travel locks.
Microfiber Towel:
A compacting microfiber towel is a must, so that you can avoid renting towels, which is a common money scheme of hostels. Microfiber towels can be folded extremely small in your bag, taking up almost no room, and they dry very quickly, which is great because the last thing you want to do is travel around with a wet towel wrapped up in your bag: a recipe for stench and bacterial growth.
Universal Adaptor:
A universal adaptor is extremely necessary to charge your electronics using foreign outlets. By buying a universal one, you'll have single cube that will function in a majority of countries you visit. Instead of buying a different cube for each new adaptor you encounter, you can make a one-time purchase, ultimately saving you money and having you covered for all your travel journeys.
Toiletry Bag:
Another useful item, is a toiletry bag. For easy transportation of toiletries and overall efficiency of bathroom trips, a toiletry bag is an absolute must.
Packing for a backpacking adventure requires careful consideration and planning. As you prepare for your journey, remember to pack the essentials:
- A high quality large travel backpack
- A compacting day pack
- The necessary amount of clothing
- Packing Cubes
- 2 pairs of shoes (maybe sandals too)
- Locks
- Microfiber Towel
- Universal Adaptor
- Toiletry Bag
To find these high quality products, check out our collection page: Collections. Don't forget to do thorough research on the weather and terrain of your destination to ensure you're prepared for the conditions you may encounter, and remember, packing smart and traveling light will make your backpacking experience more enjoyable and hassle-free. Lastly, always prioritize safety and responsible travel practices. With the right preparation and packing, you'll be equipped to embark on an incredible backpacking adventure and create unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. So, pack wisely and get ready to embrace the wonders of the world as you journey into the great unknown. If you have any questions or anything else, please reach out and leave a comment. Happy travels!